The UN accomplishes Expo’s theme “Feeding the Planet, Energy For Life” in Milan

The United Nations fulfill Milan's Theme for EXPO 2015 "Feeding the Planet, Energy For Life"...

The world had been waiting for Expo2015 to open its doors. The mission set by the Universal Exposition in the Italian northern city seems to be conquered by the United Nations.

The Pavilion Zero truly embraces the zero hunger challenge in an ambiance where aesthetics match semantics. The importance of plants biodiversity are thoroughly explored with a majestic video art project and installations, that will plunge you in the treasure of forests, worthy of the most prestigious art biennales. 

The domestication of animals retrace the history of mankind and the poetry of breeding, as the making of an alliance betwixt savage beasts and humankind. This topic is further explored through quality and sustainability in animal production and, naturally, food.

But contrarily to all other pavilions, where nourishment triumphs not as symbol of what is due to worldwide countries but as a mere globalized fashionable product, the United Nations manage to heighten the value of the eating table. Nutrition thusly embodies the theatre of the world: the table is the ancient place of unity, cohesion, the lieu where territories meet.

All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players, breeding, farming, hunting, fishing. From the rural to the industrial world, the great potential expressed by machinery revolutionizes the consumption and approach to food, that becomes part of the mass production process. This causes perilous consequences, that lead to the paradox of waste. 

In Pavilion Zero the entire history of man’s approach to nutrition is handled with great entertaining didactics in a truly enchanting scenery. The message of food waste resonates stronger than ever and the act of sharing takes the stage through the powerful words bequeathed to Milan’s Expo all the way from the New York Headquarters of the United Nations, from the very Secretary General Ban Ki-moon UN Secretary General:

“I appeal to all people everywhere to raise their voices. Speak out on behalf of this planet, our only home. Let us care for Mother Earth, so she can continue to take care for us as she has done for millennia.”

Watch Expo show 2015 videos

Expo Milano 2015 is a non-commercial Universal Exposition with some very unique and innovative features. Not only is it an exhibition but also a process, one of active participation among a large number of players around the theme of Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. It is sustainable, technological, thematic and focused on its visitors.

Grande sportiva, Chicca eccelle nel calcio e nell'atletica: è un vero concentrato di energie e vitamine. Tra le sue tante medaglie, ricordiamo l'oro olimpionico nel sollevamento pesi. Nel tempo libero lavora ai ferri e oggi gira il mondo inseguendo gli atleti a cui regala le sue maglie fatte a mano.

Expo Milano 2015 spot 60'' on air from 2nd November, 2014 Visit the site

Sono 20 milioni i visitatori attesi dal 1° maggio al 31 ottobre 2015 sul sito espositivo di Expo Milano 2015. Di questi, circa un terzo saranno stranieri. Il flusso di visitatori e di turisti in arrivo per l'Esposizione Universale genererà benefici per l'intero Sistema turistico italiano.

Guagliò l'aglio è un tipo che si fa notare anche a chilometri di distanza e non solo per il fisico prestante e gli occhi azzurri. Pieno di followers, ama organizzare cene con gli amici, ma soprattutto ama Filippa Bruschetta, la food personal shopper che gli ha insegnato a non sprecare il cibo.

Ricca di fascino e vitamine, Julienne è un vero fiore di ragazza, anzi di zucchina. Grazie alla sua genuina bellezza diventa una modella. Un giorno, cadendo dalla passerella, finisce fra le braccia di uno chef. Così Julienne scopre l'amore e non solo per il cibo. Scopri questo e molto più all'Expo Show.

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